What makes us different? Easy, it's our People - we actually care about our staff, clients, dealers, solutions and community.
At today's staff meeting we celebrated our accomplishments of 2019:
- Awesome Clients: 5,000+
- Awesome Employees: 20+
- Phone Calls: 50,000 or 200/day
- Hours of Professional Installation/Travel: 8,140
- Feet of Wire Pulled: 114,584
- Cameras Installed (since 2000): 10,000+
- Google Review Rating: 4.2 stars
- Customer Satisfaction Rating (Support Desk): 90%
- Accounting Transactions: 500,000
And chose some "Rocks" we want to achieve in 2020:
- Celebrate Reed Security's 20th Birthday
- Continue "Scaling Up"
- Continue to deliver Great Customer Experiences
- More Innovative Solutions
- More Automation
- More Efficiency
We want to improve and we're listening to you. If you can spare a few minutes, we have 3 questions that can help us:
1. What should Reed Security START doing?
2. What should Reed Security STOP doing?
3. What should Reed Security KEEP doing?
Thank you for your business (or for the opportunity)!
#local #wecare #smarter #reedsecurity