What Happens If
I Don't Have a
Home Phone Line?
The Problem:
- More and more people are using their iPhones and Android Smartphones Insteadof their home phone lines.
- By cancelling your home phone line you can Save $30 to $50 a month ($360 to $600 a year) depending on your service provider.
- By cancelling your home phone line - You Will Also Be Disrupting Your Home Security System (in most cases an alarm system relies on a home phone line to notify our 24/7 Emergency Operators)
- You will No Longer Have Peace of Mind and your Insurance Company No Longer Provides a 10% to 25% Discount on your insurance policy.
The Solution:
No Phone Line? No Problem. Simply add a Reed Security GSM/3G Cellular Communicator onto your home or business alarm system.
- 5x Faster signalling than using a land line - our 24/7 Monitoring Stations can notify you and dispatch faster.
- Best Security - No phone lines that can intentionally or accidentally be cut (many business clients such as Pharmacies, Jewellery Stores, Liquor Outlets, and Banks already have GSM/3G back-up service).
- Best Price. $0 down, $17.95/mo.* for 36 months when added onto your regular monthly monitoring fees.
- Works with most existing systems.
- Professional Installation included.
- No hidden costs or fees.
- Optional Reed Security Alarm.com or C24 Interactive Services (Arm/Disarm your security system with your Smart Phone or Tablet, Get Notifications emailed to you, User Reports).
If you would like more information on any Reed Security product or service please Click Here
*Call 306.653.3200 for more details

Consumer Warning
It's that time of year when you will be getting pressured by door to door salespeople. They would like to sign you up to "limited time offer" that expires "right away". And before you know you know it you're on the hook for thousands of dollars. (This happens several thousand times each year).
The Pressure:
- Sales person won't leave even when you tell them to "Leave"
- Sales person won't leave when you tell them "No Thanks"
- Sales person won't leave when you say "I Already Have Your Products or Service"
- Sales person name drops the name of your neighbor and makes it sound like "they signed up" or "they bought one" or "they referred me to you"
- Sales person comes to the house more than once
The Solutions:
- Put Up Your Hand and "Say NO". Immediately close the door and the sales person will eventually leave.
- Tell them "You are Trespassing" and that you will call the BBB Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection Branch and the Police if they do not leave.
BBB 1-888-352-7601
Consumer Protection 1-877-880-5550
Saskatoon Police (306) 975-8300
RCMP (Saskatoon) (306) 975-5173 or call your Local Detachment
- Always Get 3 Quotes for whatever you consider purchasing. This gives you the time to gather information and to check if the "deal" being presented to you is the best option.
- Never Accept Quick Delivery of a product or service. This gives you a cooling off period and more time to gather facts.
- If you did proceed with the offer You Have 10 Days to Change Your Mind and CANCEL (and get a full refund). It's the Law in Saskatchewan.
- Don't Forget - You may already be in a contract for the products or services being offered to you.
If you would like more information on how Reed Security can help you or customize a security solution for you Click Here