WE'RE CLOSED EARLY CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE 21. Dec 2020 Reed Security Feature, Special Hours, Prince Albert, Regina HomeSmart Home Smart Business Local Benefits NewsBecome A DealerResources Contact Us Thank you to all our People - Clients, Staff, Dealers, Suppliers, Friendsand Family Members for helping us get through a challenging COVID-19 year! HOLIDAY HOURSDecember 24th, 8am to 12:00pm noonDecember 25th, closed, MERRY CHRISTMAS!December 26th, closedDecember 27th, closedDecember 28th, 8am to 4:30pmDecember 29th, 8am to 4:30pmDecember 30th, 8am to 4:30pmDecember 31st, 8am to 2:00pmJanuary 1st, closed, HAPPY NEW YEAR! January 2nd, closedJanuary 3rd,closedOur Rapid Response Monitoring Stations are live 24/7/365.After Hours Technical Support is available at a cost.