Many existing alarm systems rely on traditional phone lines to send alarm signals to our 24/7 Monitoring Stations. We see a trend that 1 in 4 home-owners no longer have phone lines and instead only use their cell phones.
With today's affordable cell phone service, a home phone line is no longer a necessity and an easy way to save some cash. In fact, you can SAVE $20 to $30 every month depending on your home phone provider.
If you DO NOT have home phone service:
- your alarm system is unable to send signals
- your alarm system is no longer monitored
- you must notify your insurance company
- you no longer receive 10% to 25% insurance discounts
- ALARM.COM by Reed Security uses cell phone towers to send wireless emergency signals to our 24/7 Monitoring Stations
- Works just about anywhere there's cell coverage including farms and cabins.
- Works on SaskTel, Rogers, Telus and Bell networks.
- An ALARM.COM 3G radio can be added to most modern alarm systems. We have some great deals if you need to upgrade.
- ALARM.COM Packages start at $17.95/mo. and includes the 3G radio and service (this is an additional price to your base monitoring fees)
- This is half price compared to what you would pay for home phone service
- You still receive your 10% to 25% insurance discounts
For more information and or to speak with a Reed Security Specialist Click Here or call us:
Prince Albert 306.922.7200
Saskatoon 306.653.3200