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A Real Mom:
Emotional, yet a rock.
Tired, but keeps going.
Worried, but full of hope.
Impatient, yet patient.
Overwhelmed, but never quits.
Amazing, even though doubted.
Wonderful, even in chaos.
Life Changer, every single day.
-Rachel Martin

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See and hear who's at the door

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FREE QUOTE OR CALL 306.653.3200 or 1.844.384.7233



Need Security for Your Cannabis Retail Store and don't know where to start?

Reed Security has extensive experience designing robust security solutions that meet strict SLGA requirements.

Drop us a line or call 306-653-3200 if you would like our help protecting your cannabis retail store.

The information within this article is current as of February 8, 2022.

Published by SLGA

Cannabis Regulatory Policy Manual

Appendix: Facility Security

SLGA has developed the following physical security requirements for cannabis wholesale, retail store, and retail off-site storage facilities located in Saskatchewan (referred to in this document as cannabis permitted premises). A detailed description of proposed security measures will be required as part of any permit application, and any changes to an approved plan or system must be authorized by SLGA in advance of implementation.

Subsection 1 describes requirements for cannabis wholesale, standalone retail, and off-site retail storage facilities. Physical security requirements for integrated retail stores, described separately in subsection 2, have been modified on the assumption that integrated stores in small communities will not typically have large amounts of cannabis on the premises at a given time. 

However, SLGA reserves the right to impose additional security requirements before or after permitting as deemed necessary depending on individual business models and operations.

1.    Wholesale, standalone retail, and off-site storage

a.    Alarm System

A cannabis permitted premises must be protected by a professionally installed and monitored alarm system with the following minimum features. All malfunctions must be immediately repaired by a professional technician.

i.     detectors to indicate unauthorized attempts to tamper with, open, enter or penetrate perimeter entry points, perimeter windows and secure cannabis storage area;

ii.    detectors to indicate unauthorized movement within the premises including the secure cannabis storage area;

iii.   capability to detect any attempts to tamper with the system or malfunctions with the system;

iv.   smoke detectors in any areas where cannabis is stored; and

v.    panic/robbery button(s) installed at all point of sale positions (retail store only).

b.    Digital Camera Security System

i.     A cannabis permitted premises must have a digital camera security system with the following minimum features. All malfunctions must be immediately repaired by a professional technician.

ii.    cameras that are enclosed in the ceiling or domes and linked to a monitor and recording system located in a secure area within the premises;

iii.   cameras and lighting that are positioned to clearly capture 24 hour coverage of activity identifying all individuals entering/exiting the premises and all individuals within the premises including the:

•    point of sale area(s) (retail stores only);

•    customer area(s) (retail stores only);

•    areas where cannabis is displayed for sale (retail stores only);

•    receiving area(s);

•    offices and other staff area(s); and

•    any cannabis storage areas.

iv.   system must have on premises 60 calendar day minimum recording retention in a common format that is easily accessible, captured, viewed and capable of producing real time digital colour video (meaning at least 30 frames per second) and still images that clearly identify individuals and contain a time/date stamp not obscuring the image;

v.    recording and viewing system must be located in a secure location within the premises along with a maintained surveillance plan showing camera numbers, locations, coverage, authorized users list and operating instructions;

vi.   if the permittee has knowledge, or should have had knowledge, of any pending criminal or  regulatory investigation, recorded data and relevant information must not be destroyed after the 60 calendar day minimum recording retention period and must be provided to SLGA and police upon request; and

vii.  the system must be tested weekly to ensure all cameras and recording equipment are functioning properly and a log of the test results must be kept and available to SLGA upon request.

c.    Perimeter Security

i.     Standalone cannabis retail stores, off-site retail storage facilities, and cannabis wholesale warehouses must secure perimeter entry points against unauthorized access by, at a minimum:

ii.    the use of 1.5mm (16 gauge) hollow metal doors with 1.9mm (14 gauge) metal frame and tamper‐proof hinges at all entry points;

iii.   commercial grade non‐residential locks on all access points with secured tamper‐proof strike plate and locking device that penetrates the doorframe at minimum 1.25cm;

iv.   an overhead receiving door (if required) constructed of commercial grade material and locking device sufficient to secure against unauthorized access;

v.    perimeter locking devices not on a master key system;

vi.   loading/unloading bay and entry door areas located outside the secure structure for cannabis storage, with any walls or interior access doors adjoining the secure structure meeting the requirements outlined in subsection d below; and

vii.  a customer entrance constructed of commercial grade material sufficient to secure against unauthorized access (retail stores only).

d.    Cannabis Storage

Any areas within a cannabis permitted premises where cannabis is stored, including any receiving or staging areas where cannabis is kept after operating hours, must be fully enclosed in a secure structure that meets the following minimum requirements (this secure structure may form the external walls of the building if preferred, excluding any loading/unloading bays and entry door areas). Cannabis edibles and samples are exempt from this requirement and may remain in the retail area after operating hours.

Subsection e below outlines an alternative option available to retail stores only. SLGA may also consider other alternatives on a case-by-case basis as long as they provide security at least equivalent to the requirements outlined below.

i.     walls, floors, and ceiling constructed of Flattened Metal Mesh, EMMA 557‐99 style ¾‐9F, nominal strand thickness of 0.120” (0.108” to 0.132”) diamond opening of 0.563” x 1.688” or Sheet steel 16ga, A1008/A1008M (cold rolled) or A1011/A1011M (hot  rolled) or equivalent, OR 30 cm (12") high density cement blocks with cores filled with type "M" mortar and reinforced to meet structural codes, OR 20 cm (8") thick poured concrete (20.7 MPa (3000 lbs/in2) minimum), reinforced to meet structural codes;

ii.    if sheet steel or steel mesh is used, it is to be mounted on the outside (attack side) of the room, including the ceiling, in the following manner:

•    support all edges by anti‐spread bracing, studs orcorners;

•    align sheet edges at every vertical and horizontal seam on centre‐line of steel stud or anti‐spread bracing; and

•    secure all sheets with screws, welds or rivets.

iii.   16 gauge (1.6mm) steel sheets, HR Commercial quality, ASTM A366, matte finish, shall extend 1200mm around doorframe on inside of room and attached to the doorframe with screws, welds or rivets. Where the dimensions of the secure structure do not allow for 1200mm clearance around the doorframe, the steel sheets may be bent to conform to the inside of the secure structure walls and/or ceiling);

iv.   minimum 1.5mm (16 gauge) hollow metal door(s) not exceeding 91.44cm (36 inches) width with 1.9mm (14 gauge) metal frame;

v.    commercial grade door lock(s) with locking device(s) that penetrates doorframe at least 1.25cm and tamper‐ proof hinges;

vi.   locking device(s) not on a master key system; and

vii.  ventilation openings with one dimension 15cm (6 inches) or less and the total area of the opening not exceeding 619 cm2 (96 inches2).

e.    Alternative Cannabis Storage (retail stores only)

Instead of a storage room, a retail store may choose to secure cannabis in a burglar resistant safe or similar device (such as a locking refrigeration unit) that meets the following requirements:

i.     the safe is a burglary resistant safe (according to either standard ULC-S324 or standard UL-687 rated at TL-15 or higher.;

ii.    has a locking system that secures the door in multiple parts of the door structure as well on more than one axis; and

iii.   the safe weighs at least 341 kilograms or is anchored to the permanent structure of the building in such a manner that it cannot be removed without first opening the door to the safe.

2.    Integrated retail

a.    Alarm System

Integrated cannabis retail store permitted premises must be protected by a professionally installed and monitored alarm system with the following minimum features. All malfunctions must be immediately repaired by a professional technician.

i.     motion sensors that indicate entry at common entry points (such as exterior windows and doors); and

ii.    panic/robbery button(s) installed at all cannabis point of sale positions.

b.    Digital Camera Security System

The cannabis permitted premises must have a digital camera security system with the following minimum features. All malfunctions must be immediately repaired by a professional technician.

i.     cameras that are enclosed in the ceiling or domes and linked to a monitor and recording system located in a secure area within the premises;

ii.    cameras and lighting that are positioned to clearly capture 24 hour coverage of activity identifying all individuals entering/exiting the cannabis permitted premises and any secure storage areas, and all individuals within the cannabis retail area including the:

•     cannabis point of sale area(s);

•     any areas where cannabis is visibly displayed for sale; and

•     any areas where cannabis is stored.

iii.   system must have on premises 60 calendar day minimum recording retention in a common format that is easily accessible, captured, viewed, and capable of producing real time digital colour video and still images that clearly identify individuals and contain a time/date stamp not obscuring the image;

iv.   recording and viewing system must be located in a secure location within the premises along with a maintained surveillance plan showing camera numbers, locations, coverage, authorized users list and operating instructions.

v.    if the permittee has knowledge, or should have had knowledge, of any pending criminal or regulatory investigation, recorded data and relevant information must not be destroyed after the 60 calendar day minimum recording retention period and must be provided to SLGA and police upon request; and

vi.   the system must be tested weekly to ensure all cameras and recording equipment are functioning properly and a log of the test results must be kept and available to SLGA upon request.

c.    Perimeter Security

A cannabis permitted premises must secure perimeter entry points against unauthorized access by ensuring that all entry points are secured with commercial grade non-residential locks.

d.    Cannabis Storage

Cannabis products, excluding edibles and display samples, must be secured after operating hours using one of the methods described below. SLGA may also consider equivalent methods on a case by case basis.

i.     a commercial safe, gun locker, or similar device located within the cannabis permitted premises that meets the following minimum requirements:

•     is rated by the Underwriter Laboratories (UL) as a residential storage container (according to standard UL-1037) or a burglary resistant safe (according to either standard ULC-S324 or standard UL-687).

•     has a locking system that secures the door in multiple parts of the door structure as well as on more than one axis; and

•     weighs at least 341 kilograms or is anchored to the permanent structure of the building in such a manner that it cannot be removed without first opening the door to the safe.

ii.    a secure storage area within the same facility as the cannabis permitted premises that meets the following minimum requirements:

•     minors are prohibited access at all times;

•     is used to store only products owned by the cannabis retail store permittee and intended for sale in the cannabis permitted premises and any related online store;

•     is protected by an alarm system and digital camera security system as described in subsections a and b above;

•     is secured using 1.5mm (16 gauge) hollow metal doors with 1.9mm (14 gauge metal frame and tamper-proof hinges, plus commercial grade nonresidential locks, a secured tamper-proof strike plate and locking device that penetrates the doorframe at minimum 1.25cm; and

•     is secured with automatic locking doors on any entry points that open onto an unpermitted area or an area not monitored by staff at all times.

iii.   An off-site secure storage facility that is authorized as part of the cannabis retail store permit and meets the off-site storage security requirements outlined in subsection 1 above, as well as any operating requirements described elsewhere in this document.


To: Our Clients and Friends

"Have a Safe and Happy Holidays!"

From: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Staff @ Reed Security


December 24th, 8am to 12:00pm noon

December 25th, closed, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

December 26th, closed

December 27th, closed

December 28th, 8am to 4:30pm

December 29th, 8am to 4:30pm

December 30th, 8am to 4:30pm

December 31st, 8am to 2:00pm

January 1st, closed, HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

January 2nd, closed

January 3rd, closed

Our Monitoring Stations are live 24/7/365.

Self Care - A database of most common problems and solutions. It's Free.

After Hours Technical Support is available at a cost.


With summer barbecues and parties to prepare for, and warm summer evenings to enjoy, it's the time of year to pay attention to your home's outdoor space. 

After all, you won't be the only one doing so.  Summer is prime time for burglars. It's the season of unlocked windows, open doors and garages, and long vacation absences. 

Outdoor security is your home's first line of defense - so how does yours shape up? Does it deter intruders at first glance, or invite them to take a second look? 

These outdoor security essentials - all available as part of a Reed Security Smart Home system will provide you peace of mind all summer long, letting you make the most of the warm weather, worry-free.   

1. Smart Security Camera

Essential for: Knowing what's happening outside.

Most smart security cameras will let you know if there's activity outside. This one can 
tell you whether it's an animal, person or vehicle, and whether or not they're on your property. Customize your video alerts to see everything you want to know about—without the everyday activity that doesn't matter. 

As well as sending you live and recorded footage of your outdoor space, these cameras also send a clear message to visitors: I have a smart home security system. That's enough to keep most burglars away

Find out more: What's the Best Home Security Camera

2. Smart Lighting

Essential for: Keeping visitors visible.

Shadowy characters rarely like to be in the spotlight—and this goes double for burglars. Automated outdoor lighting, triggered by your image sensors or smart security cameras, ensures that intruders have nowhere to hide after dark. 

Going on vacation? It's easy to set up a smart lighting schedule so that turns your lights on every evening, giving passers-by the impression that you're home. 

3. Contact Sensors

Essential for: Security and child safety 

With, a little information goes a long way. Installed on a door or window, this wireless contact sensor can alert our 24/7 Monitoring Stations to a break-in, remind you to lock up for the night, or let you know that your kids are exploring the great outdoors on their own. 

When school's out, contact sensors become an essential outdoor safeguard for parents, giving you a new way to keep tabs on your pool gate, yard gate, tool shed, garage freezer or other dangerous areas that you want to keep off-limits from curious kids. 

Find out more: How Many Contact Sensors Should a Security System Have? 

4. Doorbell Camera

Essential for: Protecting your porch

With plenty of package thieves and dishonest visitors out there, an Doorbell Camera is the best form of deterrence for your front porch. With motion-triggered video alerts, a live video feed and two-way voice, you can see and speak to visitors from anywhere, whether they ring the bell or not. 

Expecting a delivery or a late arrival to your outdoor party? Just open your app when the doorbell rings, verify your visitor, and unlock your door with your smart lock.   

Find out more: Four Ways to Use an Doorbell Camera 

5. Smart Garage Door Opener

Essential for: Protecting outdoor equipment and tools

Summer brings long evening bike rides, road trips, and plenty of outdoor DIY - all of which means plenty of opportunity to leave your garage door wide open. Incorporate this garage door controller into your security system and you'll never be caught out. 

Should you leave home with the garage still open, knows (thanks to Geo-Services technology) and sends you a reminder. No need to pedal back home or turn the car around: just tap your phone to close the door, secure your bikes and tools and protect this commonly-overlooked entrance to your home. 

Find out more: Make Life Easy with's Geo-Services   

Want these security essentials in one easy package?

Shaping up your outdoor security is easy with Reed Security can quickly outfit your home with all of the above and more, with state-of-the-art home security features, professional monitoring for emergencies and a single smartphone app to control it all. 

Want to get started? Click here to contact Reed Security or a Reed Security Authorized Dealer to see how to get 



Heading on a summer vacation? There's nothing worse than coming back to a home that had a break-in.



  • If you lose a key, then get the locks changed. A better alternative is to eliminate keys altogether by installing an smart lock with built in keypad.
  • Ask all strangers for identification. The person who is “lost” and looking for directions could actually be a burglar checking to see if someone is home.
  • Never hide an extra key outdoor - especially underneath a mat or on top of a light fixture. This is the first place the bad guys look. Leave an extra house key with a friend or a neighbor. Again, a better alternative is to eliminate keys altogether by installing an smart lock with built in keypad.
  • DO NOT advertise on Facebook or Instagram that you are on vacation. Social media is the equivalent of a diary in a glass house. You may think you’re letting your friends and family know you’re having a great time, but people often forget to change their privacy settings. If you like to post photos - post them after you get back.
  • For insurance purposes take photos of the contents of your home and keep all receipts in an off-site location. Great options are Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive and Dropbox.
  • Write down the model and serial number of all electronics. This will come in handy for a future Police report and insurance claim.


  • Door chains are easy to bypass. Install deadbolts. We have smart lock options with built in deadbolts.
  • Install window bars on all basement windows. They are a great visual deterrent and can be connected to a monitored home security system.
  • Install a stopper or stick on all sliding doors and windows. You can find these at your local hardware store such as Home Hardware, Canadian Tire or Rona.
  • Make sure all doors and windows are locked. Many burglars go door to door looking for targets that forgot to lock their front doors.
  • For cabins, consider installing roller window and door shutters. Visit to see samples.


  • Burglars target unoccupied homes so keep your home well lit at night. Install timers that turn lights, radios and televisions on at different times. This gives the appearance that someone is home. A better option is to install smart lights and smart appliance modules and setup on an alternating schedules.
  • Cancel the newspaper and have a friend or neighbour pick-up your mail.
  • Park a vehicle in the drive-way. Don’t forget to lock the doors and remove any valuables.
  • If you’re taking an extended vacation of more than a week, hire a student or service to cut your grass.


  • The insurance companies agree. You are 400% less likely to have a break-in and can qualify for an insurance discount of up to 25%.
  • NEW! $0 Equipment, $0 Installation Plans
  • No Phone Line required
  • 24/7 Monitored Protection from intrusion, fire, flood, low temperature, and carbon monoxide
  • Includes Police / RCMP and Fire Department dispatch and Call List notification
  • Optional ALARM.COM - control your smart lights, smart locks, and smart thermostat with *free apps
  • Optional ReedHD™ Wi-Fi Doorbell - Know Who's at the front door, record audio and video onto the cloud
  • A monthly subscription is required for all service plans


  • If it looks like a door or window was forced open, DO NOT go inside. The Burglar may still be on site.
  • Call the Police from your mobile phone and wait. 


  • Do NOT Sign Up with Door to Door alarm companies with Limited Time Offers. Before you know it you will be on the hook for thousands of dollars with a company that doesn't have a local office.
  • Many door to door alarm companies have summer programs (May to September only). After that good luck.
  • Be sure to search Google for reviews and ask friends and family who they use for home security.

If you would like more information on Smart Home or Business Security & Automation please Contact Us for a Free Security Evaluation. 


Reed Security Headquarters

Call 306.653.3200 or 1.844.384.SAFE (7233)

SuRe InnoVations

Call 306.974.0888


Call 306.922.7200


Call 587.393.2800


Call 306.206.0700

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Reed Security Group (HEADQUARTERS)
14-1724 Quebec Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1V9
Ph: 306.653.3200
1.844.384.SAFE (7233)

Sure Innovations
1701 Saskatchewan Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1P7
Ph: 306.974.0888

Nine Yards Technologies Inc.
Ph: 306.341.2477


ViboPulse Services
Ph: 306.206.0700

Guardian Advanced Solutions
Ph: 204.250.7510 or 204.878.0061

Thor Security Ltd.
1-243 South Industrial Drive
Prince Albert, SK S6V 7L9
Ph: 306.922.7200


Alltech Smart Security
Ph: 289.990.3234

Dot Communications
232 Kent St W Unit 4
Lindsay, ON K9V 6A4
Ph: 1.833.368.2666

Link Secure Canada Inc.
15 Victoria Crescent
Brampton, ON L6T 1E2
Ph: 647.262.7460

Pride Security
102-100 Matheson Blvd East
Mississauga, ON L4Z 3P8
Ph: 647.506.0002


Oxford Security Systems
#501, 2903 Kingsview Blvd SE
Airdrie, AB T4A 0C4
Ph: 587.393.2800

Digitech Security Systems
Ph: 780.444.4449