SP&T News, Canada's #1 magazine for security dealers and integrators recently interviewed Virgil Reed.
Before founding Reed Security, a Saskatoon-based business that offers custom-designed alarm systems and high-definition video surveillance, Virgil Reed got his first taste of the security industry working as commercial sales representative for ADT Security back in 1998.
Though he appreciated the vital lessons that he learned from the company, Reed decided to follow his dream of starting his own company.
Founded in 2000, Reed Security started out as an authorized dealer for another company for five years before making another change.
“After five years of being a dealer, we became an independent — and it was the greatest choice I ever made,” Reed said in an interview with SP&T News.
Read the full article: https://www.sptnews.ca/reed-security-celebrates-20-years/

All of us have been impacted by COVID-19 and it's devastating. We will continue to do everything we can to keep our People and You safe.
The Government of Saskatchewan has released it's list of Critical Public Services and Allowable Businesses to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the complete list visit
Reed Security is an Allowable Business that provides security services including private security guards, monitoring or surveillance equipment and services.
We have implemented comprehensive measures to increase the safety of the People that matter most - our Families, our Staff and our Clients.
Even though Reed Security is considered an Allowable Business we have decided to close our office to visitors to Reduce the Spread. What does this mean?
- Maintaining Regular Business Hours - Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm CST
Many of our staff are working remotely from home (and spending a LOT of time with family).
Tel. 306.653.3200 or 1.844.384.SAFE
- Residential Security Sales - We will continue to provide remote consultations and sales.
Book a Consultation - Commercial Security Sales - We will continue to provide remote and on-site consultations and sales.
Book a Consultation - Installations - We will continue to provide on-site installations.
Book an Installation - Support/Service - We will continue to provide remote and on-site service.
Get Help or Book a Service Call
We have made "social distancing" arrangements if you need replacement parts, batteries, yard signs, etc. - Administration/Accounting - We will continue to provide all functions.
administration@reedsecurity.ca or call us - Alarm and Video Monitoring - We will continue to provide all notification service and dispatching.
We are paying attention to COVID-19 closely and will continue to update you on our operations.
#flattenthecurve #stayhome #socialdistancing

To Our People - Clients, Dealers, Staff and Community,
At Reed Security we're paying attention to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. It's unsettling and share the same concerns as you.
We have increased measures to Reduce the Spread. We encourage you to consult these trusted sources before making
any decisions or disseminating any information:
- As of today none of our employees have traveled to a country or area
with an “Active Travel Health Notice” per Public Health Canada. If an employee did we would not allow the person to return to work until the
end of the mandatory government recommended self-quarantine - which is
currently 14 days.
- If you (employee) travel outside of Saskatchewan please consult a government
website to assess the risk level and current protocols for your trip and
return. All travel outside of Saskatchewan should be disclosed to the
office for the safety of all employees and our clients.
- If you (employee) are faced with self-isolation and do not have adequate
supplies please let us know and we will do our best to assist you.
- If you have upper-respiratory symptoms (headache, coughing, fever,
other flu-like symptoms), please notify us and stay home; and we recommend
you consult a doctor and a trusted information source to determine
the best next steps.
- As of today most clinics and doctors offices request that you call
first if you think you have COVID-19 so that they can be prepared for
your arrival.
- Please do not come to work within 24 hours of having symptoms of a
cold or flu.
- If a household member is symptomatic, but unconfirmed COVID-19
please consult a professional and use your best discretion in deciding
when it’s safe to return to work.
- Should you (employee) require self-isolation or extended time off for illness
please contact Employment Canada about benefits.
- If you (employee) are confronted with someone who is COVID-19 symptomatic please
maintain a safe distance of at least 2 meters or 6 feet, as always you
have the right to refuse work that you think is unsafe.
- While we are extremely happy with the job our cleaning staff does
we have requested they increase their current cleaning to include
wiping down public surfaces with alcohol based wipes.
- Our goal is to reduce the staff in the office at any given time by 20%. Please discuss work from home or reduced in office days with your manager.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20
seconds, and especially after using the restroom and before eating.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wherever available.
- Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes.
- Avoid shaking hands, hugging, or other personal contact.
- If you need to cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with a
tissue or your bend of your elbow.
- Wipe down your cell phone with alcohol based wipe several times
per day.
- Once per day wipe down public surfaces with an alcohol based wipes.
This includes the front counter, light switches, door knobs, proximity card readers,
and security system keypads.
- Everyone (including clients) is required to wash their hands before
and after using our boardroom.
- Do not share computers, desks or phones.
- Where possible do not share tools or van space.
- Anyone can be denied entry into our office, or asked to leave the
office if they are displaying symptoms that make our staff feel unsafe, a
sign will be posted to indicate this at the front door of our office.
- Field staff are our sales representatives and technicians.
- Field staff are to have hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes with them.
- Field staff should wash or sanitize our hands Before, During and After a site visit.
- Technicians should wipe down equipment that multiple people touch at the end of an installation. (i.e Keypads, Proximity Card Readers, Monitors, Keyboards, Mouse’s, etc.)
- Field staff are to ensure they are not exhibiting any symptoms as outlined by the trusted sources listed above before coming to work.
- Do not come to work within 24 hours of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
- If you traveled outside of Saskatchewan, you must disclose it to management.
- Do not share vehicles as much as possible.
- Wipe down steering wheels, gear shifters, keys, radios, interior door handles, etc… with disinfectant wipes regularly.
- If you have a cough or sneeze, please remove yourself from the area, cough/sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your elbow. Wash/sanitize your hands (especially in the presence of others).
- All employees are to stay at least one meter apart.
- Please wash your hands before entering and after exiting the lunch room and board room.
- All employees are to eat lunch at their desks. You may use the lunch room to prepare or store your lunch but no lingering.
- Daily huddles and weekly meetings should take place via Zoom app if you cannot maintain the one meter safe distance.
- We are wiping down of all “public” surfaces once per day. All office should help (we have a checklist).
Employees that have been approved to work from home must submit the following:
- A photo of their home work space including the computer/technology you plan to use at home.
- Confirmation you can access your desktop computer via ZOHO Assist. Geoff and Garrett can help you set this up.
- Confirmation of how you intend to take and make phone calls.
i.e. my cell number is this please forward calls to my cell and I will call people back from my cell - No files, paper or inventory should be removed from the office. If you require a document SCAN IT and SAVE IT to your Office 365 One Drive.
- Sales Team can take documentation you are actively working on home, but you must leave an itemized list on your desk of what you are removing from the office.
Permanent Work Changes:
- All contracts, maps, security drawings, JIFC Forms and client related paperwork are to be scanned and uploaded to the client MKS file. If you need a reminder how to do this please ask.
- Use ZOHO Assist to access your Desktop PC remotely.
- All WO and WO related materials should be photographed and emailed to the office to be stored digitally in the client MKS file.
Temporary Work Changes:
- The Admin Team will continue to file, however we will file in a weekly rotation i.e. new empty bin will be put out each Monday subsequently the old bin will be removed and filed sometime that week. This is to allow a 48 hour “cooling off" period for all files.
- If you require a file that is in a bin please wash or sanitize your hands before and after looking for the file.
- If you require a file that is at another employee's desk please have them have them retrieve it for you. If this isn't possible please wash or sanitize your hands before and after looking for the file.
The Management Team at Reed Security is reviewing the situation daily. We will provide additional updates when available.
Today Reed Security is officially celebrating our 20th Anniversary!
When we started on March 10th, 2000 the security industry was booming and the competition was fierce. The big companies had successful door to door programs and the telephone company (SaskTel) started in the security business. 20 years later the door to door programs are still persistent and even more telephone companies (Bell, Telus/ADT) offer home and business smart security. The competition has never been greater!

"I'm proud of the business we've (not I) built. 20 years ago nobody knew who we were and we had 0 (zero) customers. Today, 5000+ homes and businesses trust Reed Security for their protection. We are a strong LOCAL brand you can Trust. What makes us different? Easy, it's our People, Culture and sense of Community!
Thank you to our Clients for supporting us for 20 years. Without you we wouldn't exist.
Thank you to all our People - staff and dealers for Caring for each other and our Clients. You make it easy.
Looking forward to another 20!"
Virgil Reed
Reed Security
#wecare #community #thankful